Hooray!!! It's Friday!
And it's school holidays, double yay!
Mr C is super happy that he decided to work at school... But boohoo for me, I have to keep working, but I'll be sorting out some Annual leave soon so woohoo!
Let me tell u more about my favourite things... Almond Magnum's even when it's cold out I still love these... coming home to blazing fire, happy kids and dinner already cooked... mmmmm favourite fav's!
Coming home to a little surprise gift on my bed is also one of my most super favourite things everrrrr... granted it doesn't happen very often BUT it happened today.... My beautiful besty, Mrs H, sent home a beautiful holiday gift for me, the most gorgeous necklace, packed in a homemade vintage wallpaper envelope with a little feather... I'm so lucky... Big hugs n kisses to you Mrs H...
I hope a few of your favourite things happened today
Enjoy the holidays, I know the C family will...
Mrs C